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Submission + - The Many (Many) Resons Why Facebook Sucks (

textures4photoshop writes: Facebook reflects everything that’s wrong with the world today. It’s not the source, but it sure helps amplifying bad vibes, polarization, vanity, sometime depression, conflicts, etc. Besides that, there are many things that are wrong with Facebook like privacy issues and application usability issues.

Submission + - How To Create Curved Text Online (

textures4photoshop writes: Do you want to make curved text online? Use our free curved text tool!

Adding a text along a curve makes a strong graphic statement. You can easily create a logo on a circular path with the MockoFun text editor. Using our curved text generator you can also add curved text to photo online.

Many graphic designers use curved text to create logos, labels and badges. When you choose a curve for your text, your design becomes more interesting and cool. Use MockoFun as a circle text logo maker.

Submission + - The Only 7 Sky Gradients For Photoshop You Will Ever Need (

textures4photoshop writes: I work a lot with Photoshop and gradients are a very powerful tool. But whenever I try to find a pack of gradients for a specific purpose I often find that packs contain way too many options in them.

Trust me, less options is sometimes better. Anyway, I almost always end up using one or maximum two gradients from a pack. That's why I love this free sky gradients pack. It contains 7 different sky gradients and they are truly the only 7 sky gradients you will ever need.

Submission + - Textturizer - generate text with texture (

textures4photoshop writes: Textturizer is an online tool for creating textured text. Using our database of free textures you can create your own text effects and download the result as PNG images.

We are proud to offer you your very own free online text generator Textturizer. This textured text generator comes as a natural extension of the website.

Textures4Photoshop is one of the best source of free quality textures online. You can now use all the textures available on the website by creating cool text effects using Textturizer.

We all love free tools.

I am a big fan of Photoshop text effects, but creating text effects in Photoshop is time consuming and costly. To install Photoshop you need to buy it and and then you have to know how to use it.

With Textturizer you can input the text and configure how to apply texture on the text and background to get really cool text effects totally for free.

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